Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Emotional Intelligence and Self Awareness Essay - 1042 Words

INTRODUCTION In a dynamic economic where change seems very pivotal as we move into the twenty-first century. Acquiring self-development and being self-aware as a manager is very essential in the business environment in order to stand out of a large crowd also gaining competitive advantage in the work place, one needs to continuously develop new learnings in becoming a â€Å"knowledge worker† in his or her organisation (Telford, 2006). The higher the level of education of a manager the better the salary he receives .it is very vital at this point to examine the usefulness of self-awareness and self-development and how it adds value to an organisations success also how it creates competitive advantage for an effective manager in the business†¦show more content†¦Self-awareness practice theoretically takes an individual beyond his or her present context; by reflecting on their performance they gain a greater influence towards the nature of present experience. Self-analysis is very emancipatory because it contributes to the development of person knowledge (dekeyster et al, 2008). Self-awareness has three components that stand useful for an effective manager which are Component Explanation Emotional awareness Self-assessment Self confidence THE IMPORTANTCE OF SELF AWARENESS TO MANAGERIAL EFFECTIVENESS OF A MANAGER In becoming an effective manager for my future career self-awareness wound enhance my ability to identify myself constantly in order to manage myself and order individual in the organisation, it we help me identify area of success and areas of growth in knowing my strength and weakness that seeks for improvement as a manager it will help me to be more effective in performing my job as a manager, self-analysis will aid me as a manage in decision process in knowing where am heading to and why in order to achieve my goals; self-awareness gives me effective possibilities for understanding my own emotional dynamics. This awareness also helps me to oversee group emotions in working in team and directly stirring up their productivity (Baldwin et al 2008). WHAT IS CONTINOUS SELF DEVELOPMENT?Show MoreRelatedEmotional Intelligence And Self Awareness Essay2034 Words   |  9 PagesIntroduction Emotional intelligence is conceptualized as a person’s ability to overcome stress, communicate effectively, understand others, cope with challenges, and solve conflicts by identifying, using, understanding, and managing their emotions positively (Gines, 2015). Emotional intelligence allows individuals to understand others, without necessarily talking to them. This understanding is vital since it influences the way we relate with other people. Emotional intelligence can be defined usingRead MoreEmotional Intelligence And Outline The Principles Of Self Regulation And Self Awareness1474 Words   |  6 PagesDraft 2/07/2016 develop and use ei Assessment 1 Question 1. 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